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Week 1 6/20/2020 09:00:00am


Certified Voice Acting Program (CVAP)


"Learn, Re-learn, Un-learn, Learn forward"
-Paz Dannes Serrano


"True essence of learning came from gratefulness."
-Paz Dannes Serrano


"Learning and taking action is the real learning."
-Paz Dannes Serrano



Great Day!


As what our voicemaster would always greet us.

Great day!


Just like being student on his/her first day in school, everyone felt nervous and also excited. A few questions crossed everyone's minds.


"How will the program/workshop will go?"


"Will I meet new friends?"


"Will the instructor be strict or be friendly?"


"What will happen to us after this?"

Then, Sir Richard Abalos and Ms. Cheska Carreon welcomed us with an energetic but warm greetings and shared some of their experience in Voice Acting industry and in Creativoices Productions.


Along with it, they have announced the General Rules and Guidelines that everyone should follow and how the workshop/program will go.


Right after, they introduced us to one of the old timers in the industry, Sir Paz Dannes Serrano. Sir Paz shared how he started in the industry and how Creativoices helped him in his craft and also as a person. He also shared some of his experience in the industry and shared to us the quote, "Learn, Re-learn, Un-learn, Learn forward".


He emphasized that in everything we do, we should always have the eagerness to learn and Re-learn, going back to the basics. Un-learn, un-learn and be open-minded to understand that we don't know everything and must know that there things that we don't know. Learn Forward, that as you move along, you should be like a child that has a curiosity in everything and take chances that will helps us grow.


Then, finally, we were able to meet our instructor, the Voice Master himself, Sir Pocholo De Leon Gonzales. Sir Choi, discussed to us on our first day the do's and don'ts in the workshop. He also shared some of his experience when he was just like us, starting in the industry. At the end of our meeting/ workshop, just like in a normal/ regular class, we were given our assignments. It's been so long since I had an assignment and feel that I am a student again.


Week 2 6/27/2020 09:00:00am


Certified Voice Acting Program (CVAP)


"Voice Acting is not real acting, it is the art of becoming"

- Pocholo De leon Gonzales (The Voicemaster)


"Just audition, audition, audition and volunteer, volunteer, volunteer."

- Pocholo De leon Gonzales (The Voicemaster)


"You are your own HERO"

- Pocholo De leon Gonzales (The Voicemaster)



Great Day!


For this week were able to learn about the types and niche of the Voice Artist(s) through the Voicemaster's Formula.


1. Voice Over
   a. Network Voice
   b. Character Voice
2. Radio and TV Commercials
3. Public Service Announcement (PSA)
4. Movie Trailer
5. Announcement
6. Audio-Visual Presentation (AVP)
7. Educational Materials
8. Telephony
9. Interactive Gadgets
10. Automated Dialogue Replacement (ADR)
11. Radio Drama
12. Animation


Why do one need to know your niche?
1. Simply put, Niche is your target Market.
2. You need to know a particular skill.
3. You need to establish your own brand.


To find your niche, you need to consider the following:
1. Type of Project
2. Quality of your voice
3. Your specific skill & interest


Voice Variety
1. Don't be monotonous.
2. It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
3. Believability
4. Pitch - Pertains to level of the voice tone (high or low). Pitch can heigthen emotion. Transform a sentence into a question or statement. Explore your pitch.
5. Sweep Method
6. Volume - pertains to how loud or soft your voice is. Also helps in conveying emotion. Your message is useless if it can't be heard properly. You need to project your voice, not shout.
7. Tempo, 


And last but not the least, the one of the most important of all, The Voice Care Tips

1. You shouldDrink Plenty of Water
   - Dehydration is the no. 1  enemy of the voice
   - Water should be room temperature
2. Avoid foods & drinks that will harmful to your voice
   - Sweet and Dairy

3. Have Vocal Rest/ Voice Rest
4. ObserveProper Posture
5. Do Proper Breathing
6. Don't shout nor whisper
7. Exercise Vocal Warm-up
8. Salt Water Gargle
9. Avoid Pollutants
10. Consult a doctor for a persistent cough










Week 3 7/4/2020 09:00:00am


Certified Voice Acting Program (CVAP)


On our week three(3), Sir Pocholo "The Voicemaster" Gonzales taught us and emphasized the importance of why we should always practice, practice practice


and practice. He noted that, there is no other way to be a great Voice Artist than to practice everyday and love the craft that you do. Because if you won't, who





"Isn't it the reason why you join the workshop?"



In life, there will never be an easy way for everyone. There will always be struggles and hardship. But what count is, what you did on those hard times?


In the middle part of the lesson we had an activity where we need to give different emotions and attack the phrase, "MAHAL KITA" and present it to the class. We


were assigned to our new groups and planned how will we present our different scenarios. It was fun having to collaborate with other people and share your



ideas. And to watch how your voicemates present their skits.



Lastly, Sir Pocholo taught us about Branding and what is it's importance in the industry.


We should know how to brand ourselves so that we can easily market ourselves and it is like introducing yourself in the industry. Like how I want people to know me as The Voice Next Door.


It has been a very productive and fun-filled day for all of us yet sad that it will be our last workshop day on the coming week. :(




Week 4 7/11/2020 09:00:00am



As our Workshop ends, we were taught the importance of having a own home studio and having it in this trying times, the Pandemic (being under quarantine due to Covid-19).


Sir Choi shared to us the right equipment to use.


What software should we install to get the best quality of sound for our voices?


and lastly,


how to minimize noise and do DIY sound proofing.


Creating your own home studio is very vital in this changing times, not only because of the pandemic but also to surf along the digital improvement of life.



But of course,



The day did not end that easy, we were, again given an activity, and collaborate again with our final breakout room groups. This is to perform a dubbing to a


world renowned anime, Voltes-5. It felt as if we were kids again, dubbing/ voicing our favorite characters and creating scenes from our imagination.


Being in this industry in not all fun, but we know that in this kind of job, we can become the kids we once were. Enjoying and playing and not minding the busy


world around us.




This has been Clifford Rae Gonzales, your Voice Next Door.





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